Brian was born and raised in South Carolina. He had the benefits of being raised in a small city where you knew all of your
neighbors and had a strong sense of community. He attended a small liberal arts school in South Carolina where he got his B.A.
in Philosophy and English and B.S. in Psychology. He then spent a short stint in graduate school for Philosophy before taking
a big career change and getting his Masters of Public Health degree at Columbia University. Returning to his roots, he received
his medical degree from University of South Carolina School of Medicine. He completed his residency in adult psychiatry
and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at University of Colorado. He has been part of a small
international work group, led by Bob Emde, charged with the first revision of the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health
and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood - the only developmentally informed diagnostic classification
system for early childhood. Additionally, under the supervision of Bob Harmon, he has worked at the Kempe Center
Therapeutic Preschool for abused kids.
Currently, he is in a research fellowship with the Developmental Psychobiology
Research Group at University of Colorado working with David Olds on his nurse home visit preventive program. Additionally,
he has maintained a commitment to public health as he provides clinical services for the Mental Health Corporation of
Denver. He has given national and international presentations on assessment and diagnoses in early childhood.
He currently serves as a consulting editor for the Journal of Infant Mental Health and is on the Infants and Preschool
Committee for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Brian K. Wise, MD, MPH
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Developmental Psychobiology Research Fellow
Zero to Three Solnit Fellow
Prevention Research Center for Family and Child Health
1825 Marion Street, Suite 200 Denver, CO
Office: (719) 487-7943